Wednesday, December 11, 2013


This post will - hopefully - be helpful in saving you money for the holidays.

I truly enjoy making gifts for others...but wrapping them??  Not so much.  Simple is better.  But, it's a shame to pour your heart and soul into a gift and then throw it into a brown paper bag.  It's kinda anti-climactic!

So, here's a way to pretty up the wrappings without spending wads of time or money on it.  And they look really nice!

*  Start saving all the boxes you would normally toss in the trash can - cereal, tissue, pasta, cracker boxes.  You get the idea!

*  Tuck in the top flaps of cardboard.

*  Wrap it in pretty paper of your choice, just like you'd wrap a box.  But, don't wrap the open top - simply push the wrapping paper ends down into the box.  If you feel like they need taping down, stick a little tape on the inside edges.

*  Next, use a paper hole punch or an awl to make holes around the top of the box - two each on two opposite sides of the box.

*  Find some pretty ribbon (Wide ribbons work great!), thread it through the holes and make two handles.  You'll see from these 2
pictures that I tried it with the knots to the inside of the boxes AND to the outside.  You choose which way you like it best.

*Tada!  Instant pretty wrappings for your love-filled gifts!